2 stroke porting guide
2 stroke transfer port angle
2 stroke cylinder head modification
2 stroke porting tools2 stroke exhaust port polishing
2 stroke port timing calculator
2 stroke port mapping
2 stroke boost port tuning
diy 2 stroke porting
3.1: The Schneurle loop scavenge system. 2. Page 3. Two Stroke Performance Tuning. Fig. 3.2: Komet K78 TT portingSchnuerle porting is a system to improve efficiency of a valveless two-stroke engine by giving better scavenging. The intake and exhaust ports cut in the It will tell you, for example, how much to raise the top edge of an exhaust port to make a given change in timing, and how much to trim from the piston skirt ( You're not putting a ramp on the edge of your port window. Dimensions I like to advise are 1mm to 1.5mm, with or parallel to the cylinder wall, and a 0.4mm to
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