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Manual vacuum aspiration. NGO. Nongovernmental organization. PAC. Postabortion care. PHCC. Primary health care center. PMTCT. The manual was developed by Luwei Pearson, Public Health Consultant for maternal and neonatal health care, based on the vast experience of many agencies Saving Mothers, Giving Life: Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Access and Availability, Phase 1 Monitoring resuscitation, and manual removal of the. During pregnancy, all women are at risk of obstetric complications, so they need to have access to Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC), with adequate treatment soThe Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care. (PCPNC) Manual. About the Trainer's Guide. Part I. Pre-Training Activities. Technical preparation. Obstetric Care for Doctors and Midwives: Course Handbook for Participants/Trainer's. Manual (2003) compiled by the Columbia University Mailman School of
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