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The Intox EC/IR II is a transportable, bench-top instrument featuring fuel cell integration analysis combined with real-time analytical advantages of Evidential test devices perform a quantitative analysis of alcohol in the breath. The Intox. EC/IR II, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc. is listed on the ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. INTOXIMETER EC/IR II. Senior Operator. Training Manual. Office of Alcohol Testing. Box 8509. Little Rock, Arkansas 72215-8509. Intox EC/IR® II. Court-accepted, evidential-grade desktop unit with combined fuel cell and infrared technologies. Intoximeters' instruments have been proven TBI EC/IR II Two Test Protocol Operator's Manual. Effective November 1, 2012 OVERVIEW OF THE INTOXIMETER EC/IR II EVIDENTIARY BREATH.A two line by twenty character vacuum fluorescent display that supports a large international character set. The display provides operator instructions and The Intox EC/IR and Intox EC/IR II are alcohol breath test devices manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc. in St. Louis, Missouri. EC stands for electro-chemical I note you seek access to the following information: Please provide a copy of the main operation manual for Intoximeter EC/IR II in use in the force. If the
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